Download the catalogue & Order form
Dear friends
For all dahlia lovers, here is the 2023 dahlia catalogue
This selection is largely based on the choices you made during the 27th Festival
Festival of Dahlias and Gardens. Many of you (6000 visitors) came to the Campus garden this summer to admire more than 400 varieties of dahlias!
You will find in this catalogue a representative sample of the dahlias presented in September, including many new varieties (the best ranked of the festival)
In the spotlight this year, our two award-winning dahlia varieties at the Paris International Competition in the Parc Floral de Vincennes :
Anna Karénine (1st prize for large dahlias)
and Eau de rose (3rd prize).
You can make a reservation using the order form at the top of the page
before 30 January 2023.
Delivery will take place from March.
We thank you for your loyalty,
The team of the nursery.

More information :
Campus Botanical Garden: Greenhouses and garden
On our website : « Concours international du dahlia : Deux dahlias du lycée Nature de Coutances primés »
local media Ouest France : « Au Festival des dahlias à Coutances, Alexandre Dumas est star des jardins »